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The used Smart car reference point

Buy or sell a used Smart car in Trieste

This Smart car showroom is situated almost in the heart of the city and both entrepreneurs from Trieste, Stefano Volpi and Alberto Tomaselli, abandoned their already established careers in other branches in order to dive into a new and stimulating adventure: A7 Mobility.

The keyword in the car showroom has to be “serenity”. The Confucian quote “do what you love and you will never work a single day in your life” brought together this two lifelong friends, who were always been motor enthusiasts .
The relaxed purchasing and the professionalism of the old days reflects the past and beneficial custom that used to consider the customer a person instead of a part of the profit.

The empathetic treatment allows to personalize the negotiation  and solve specific individual problems and needs. Due to his experience the seller should be considered an artist who provides solutions.
The used Smart cars are represented in a type of boutique of nearly 250 square meters, a few steps away of the Wulz public garden.

“We don’t intend to assume large dimensions – clarify the two partners – in order not to lose the owner-customer relationship.
Also, we want to be a reference point in the city to encourage the ecological use of mini cars and improve urban mobility.”

Come closer,
we have something to tell you.

Looking for selling or buying a used Smart car?
Here it is A7 Mobility!
Call us at +39 040 246 4767 or visit us directly in Via Fabio Severo, 34 in Trieste. We also provide second-hand cars for novice drivers.

Second hand Smart: there is A7 mobility to sell it or to buy it

Sell or buy a used Smart, we provide Second-hand Smart cars also for novice drivers. Our showroom is your Smart reference point in Trieste.

Let’s talk, you choose how.

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